Paralegals oftentimes are the engine that keeps a law firm running. They are incredibly efficient with time, resources, and know how to delegate
important tasks that need to be done correctly in an expedited manner. Kramm Court Reporting looks for opportunities to support our paralegal clients.
Below are 11 of the most common tasks that paralegals can rely on a court reporting firm to complete:
1. Find and reserve a conference room anywhere worldwide
2. Set up interpreters
3. Recommend process servers in the area to process deposition subpoenas
4. Provide a common calendar for parties including location, witness name, time, noticing party
5. Organize exhibits and pre-assign exhibit numbers for cases with multi-track depositions
6. Arrange for videographers and the syncing of transcripts
7. Provide suggested language for notices to include video and real-time transcription
8. Archive errata sheets of witnesses’ changes and signature
9. Set up mobile videoconference (MVC) depositions/trial testimony worldwide
10. Set up teleconference depositions with access numbers supplied to all parties
11. Coordinate standing orders of rough drafts, real-time with iPads, synced transcripts, et cetera
It is a pleasure to support our clients and help paralegals coordinate deposition services. If you would like to learn more about setting up
a mobile videoconference or best practices for teleconference depositions, please read our articles found below or contact me,
Tricks and Tips for Telephonic Depositions
Five Tips for Successful International Mobile Videoconference Depositions
How Paralegals and Legal Secretaries Can Benefit From Having Exhibits in the Cloud
Tips for Videoconferencing Depositions and Trial Testimony
Sample Notice Language for Video and Real-Time Depositions